2016-2017 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2016-2017 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Computer Resources

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Student Computer Help Desk

The Student Computer Help Desk is located in Information Commons on the OTC Springfield Campus near the main switchboard and staffed by student workers. Students are assisted with technology issues such as wireless Internet access, computer kiosk locations, online registration and student accounts. Visit otc.edu/helpdesk for hours of operation.

Information Technology Help Desk

The Information Technology Help Desk is located in Graff Hall 203. The Help Desk assists faculty, staff, and students with technology issues. For assistance, email helpdesk@otc.edu or call (417) 447-7548. For hours of operation, visit otc.edu/helpdesk.


myOTC is a portal that offers fast and easy access to resources at OTC, with a secure single login. myOTC is an essential tool to the OTC community and contains the following resources:


This tab provides student access to the following:

  • Class registration
  • Schedule
  • Add/drop classes
  • Tuition and fees payment
  • Payment plan enrollment
  • Financial aid awards
  • OTC Central
  • OTC Bookstore textbook reservations
  • Academic records (grades, transcripts)
  • Monthly pay advices
  • IRS forms: W-2 and 1098-T


This tab provides access to an OTC storage area where students can upload files (up to 20MB) to retrieve anywhere there’s Internet access.


This tab provides access to Library databases and IT resources such as:

  • Link to view grades and attendance through Pinnacle Gradebook. 
  • Wireless printing link
  • OTC Wireless Network instructions
  • OTC email instructions for Windows mobile phones and iPhones
  • Software Web Store

Emergency Notification

Emergency Notification is a messaging system to alert students, faculty and staff of school emergencies and closings. Every two years, you will be notified to renew your account with the alert system. Make sure to keep your phone number up to date.


All currently enrolled students have an OTC email account. There is a 100MB quota, and a 10MB attachment limit. Access to email is available through the myOTC portal (my.otc.edu) login and click the Webmail tab. The Webmail tab provides access to OTC email from anywhere there is Internet access. OTC often sends critical and important information to the student’s OTC email account including deadlines, course information, OTC events and school closings.

A student email address will be in the following format:

  • First initial of your first name (lowercase)
  • First initial of your last name (lowercase)
  • Student I.D. Number (On Student I.D. Card) @otc.edu;

Example: js0011223@otc.edu


This tab takes you to the Blackboard learning management system, used extensively by OTC’s online and hybrid courses. Within Blackboard, view announcements, access assignments, course materials, and participate in class discussions. For more information, contact OTC Online (online@otc.edu; 417-447-8200) or visit online.otc.edu.

Login Information

To retrieve your OTC user name you can go to my.otc.edu, click on the “What’s My User Name?” tab, fill in your last name and either your social security number or student I.D. number.

Student User Name Format

  • First initial of your first name (lowercase)
  • First initial of your last name (lowercase)
  • Student I.D. Number (on student I.D. card)

Example: Jill Student (I.D. # 0011223)

User Name: js0011223

Note: You must use all seven digits of your student identification number, including any zeros.

Student Default Password Format

  • First initial of your first name (uppercase)
  • First initial of your last name (lowercase)
  • Birthday (mmddyyyy)

Example: Jill Student

Date of Birth: September 23, 1993

Password: Js09231993

Password Guidelines

The first time you log into “myOTC”, the system will prompt you to accept the computer use agreement and create a new password. The password must be a minimum of eight characters long and contain characters from three of the following four categories:

  • Uppercase letters (A through Z)
  • Lowercase letters (a through z)
  • Numbers (0 through 9)
  • Special characters (i.e., @, {, !)

Password Hints

  • Choose your password wisely
  • Keep it to YOURSELF
  • Do not include your first or last name
  • Do not include your date of birth or your student identification number
  • Be creative! For instance, use the first letter of each word in a phrase or pick a word and substitute a number for certain letters

Once your password is created, log into “myOTC” with the following:

  • Your User Name
  • Your NEW password

NOTE: Each student is required to change his or her password every 120 days. Students can change passwords at any time, but will be required to change his or her password at least every 120 days. An email notification will be sent providing one month, two weeks and one week notice before a password change is required. Students must change password on all devices connecting to OTC email and the wireless network. OTC student email accounts are active for one year unless a student enrolls for the next semester or graduates, then it remains active.

PASS System

The PASS system allows faculty, staff and students to reset their OTC passwords from on and off campus at any time. In order to do this, a profile needs to be created. A profile consists of answering five specific questions that you select. If you do not create your profile, the system will prompt you next login. For more information, visit www.otc.edu/technology/loginHelp.php

Resetting Passwords

Students needing assistance with their computer password on and off campus can contact the OTC IT Help Desk at (417) 447-7548. Upon verification of student information, passwords can be reset back to the default password. Students on the OTC Springfield Campus can visit the Student Computer Help Desk located in the IC Atrium for assistance. Photo I.D. is required for resetting a student’s password at the Student Computer Help Desk.

Compromised OTC Accounts

A compromised OTC account happens when students, faculty or staff open unsolicited emails or visit non-trusted Internet sites that download programs onto computers.


Visiting a non-trusted website:

Opening a website on the Internet and it installs an email server to your computer. The email server is remotely controlled and begins sending out SPAM email from the infected computer.

Unsolicited email:

An email that looks like it is coming from the OTC Helpdesk that requests your user name and password. The link is clicked and information given; the hacker now has access to your email account and can install a remote controlled email server which begins sending SPAM email to all your contacts.

In either scenario IT will:

  • Disable the OTC user’s account.
  • Attempt to call and leave a message requesting the OTC user contact the Help Desk.
  • The Network Security Administrator will explain what occurred and walk the user through resetting their password.

NOTE: It is important to understand that OTC will never ask for your user name and password in an email.

Antivirus Computer Protection

OTC recommends anti-virus software for personal laptops and home computer use.  Here are some available options:

PC computers: AVG Free Version, www.free.avg.com 

Mac computers: Sophos, www.sophos.com/products/free-tools/free-mac-anti-virus/


OTC-WIFI Wireless Network

Wireless Internet access is available in the common areas of classroom buildings on all campuses. Information and setup documentation is available at the IT Computer Help Desk or the Student Help Desk on the Springfield campus. It is your responsibility to know the terms and conditions outlined in the Computer Use Agreement before using OTC-WIFI to access the Internet.

OTC assumes no responsibility for data or personal information compromised through use of its wireless network. The OTC student wireless network conforms to the IEEE 802.11b protocol and standards.

Note: Peer-to-Peer (Limewire, Bittorrent, Bearshare, etc.) file sharing is not authorized.

Wired Internet Access

Wired Internet access is available in the north end of the Information Commons Atrium and in the Information Commons East atrium. Before accessing the Internet, review OTC’s Computer Use Agreement.

Computer Printing Kiosks

Printing kiosks are located in various areas on all campuses. Kiosks are available to current students for Internet access and use of Office 2013 for printing.

Open Computer Lab

The Open Computer Lab at each location is recommended for homework, research and online classes.

OTC Springfield Campus ICE 223A (417) 447-7548
OTC Richwood Valley Campus LSC 216 (417) 447-7700
OTC Lebanon Center RMC 117 (417) 532-5044
OTC Table Rock Campus RWP 105 (417) 336-6239
OTC Waynesville Center WEC 117 (573) 774-5061

Open Computer Lab Guidelines

Computer labs are for curriculum-based studies (programs, research and papers). Guidelines are as follows:

  • Food, drinks and children are not allowed in the computer lab.
  • Use headphones with audio and keep it turned down.
  • Keep conversations quiet and to a minimum.
  • Put cell phones on silent, vibrate or turn them off.
  • All phone calls should be conducted outside the computer lab.
  • Save work regularly and prior to printing to avoid losing any of your valuable documents.

The Springfield, Richwood Valley and Table Rock hours are located at otc.edu/technology/computer-lab.php.  

Please call locations for hours of operation and additional information.  

Student Printing

OTC provides students with 500 free pages each semester. This includes printing through a wireless connection from laptops at designated locations. Pages available at the end of the semester will not carry forward to the next semester. Refunds will not be given for pages remaining on accounts. For more information, call (417) 447-7548. 

Free printing is tabulated as follows:

  • Black and white count as 1 page
  • Black and white duplex count as 1 page
  • Color counts as 10 pages
  • Color duplex counts as 10 pages

Students must purchase additional pages after exceeding the first 500 allotted pages. Additional printing purchases can be made on the OTC Springfield Campus at the Student Help Desk, and at all other locations in the main offices. Black and white prints are 5¢ each and color prints are 50¢ each.

Designated Printing Locations

OTC Springfield Campus Wireless Printing

GLZ Student Area
GRF 206 Hallway
ICE Atrium
ICW Atrium
ITTC Vending Area
LCN 112 Hallway
Library, IC 100
NKM Lobby
Open Computer Lab, ICE 223A
Student Help Desk, IC Atrium
Tutoring & Learning Center, ICE 212
Writing Center, IC 200
OTC Richwood Valley Campus Wireless Printing

Library, LSC 203
Open Computer Lab, LSC 216
Student Services Kiosk, LSC 122
OTC Lebanon Center Wireless Printing

Open Computer Lab, RMC 117
OTC Waynesville Center Wireless Printing

Open Computer Lab, WEC 117, WEC 103
OTC Table Rock Campus Wireless Printing

Open Lab, RWP 105
Cyber Library, RWP 101
RWP 217, 

Wireless Printing

The wireless printing link is located at myOTC, on the “Resources” tab, under “IT Resources”. Pages printed wirelessly are deducted from the 500 free or paid pages.

Network Storage

OTC students have access to storage space to save school-related data. Documents saved to the network are backed up nightly and can be retrieved if accidentally deleted. The network drives available are as follows:

  • H Drive—-Documents Folder or Home Drive
  • S Drive—-Instructor and student curriculum storage (content is deleted seven days after the end of the semester).

Note: Documents saved on the OTC network are accessible from campus computers only. Remember that documents saved to the local computer’s hard drive (C:drive) and desktop are not backed up.